Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Creativity Never Sleeps...

This blog post might be a little personal, but isn't that what a blog is for? To help me get my thoughts out when no one would understand them anyways?

So, here I am, 7:15 on a Wednesday night. I'm missing my husband more than I ever have. The thought of not seeing him this weekend is killing my heart. I'm going through this awful time, and all I want is him, laying in bed next to me.

My doctor hinted at the possibility of surgery next month - which I am not prepared to go through. I'm already tired, hurting and emotionally distraught. I don't sleep. No, really, I don't sleep. I'm lucky to get 2-3 hours a night... many of them restless. I'm to the point of being SO tired and SO miserable that I just don't know what to do anymore.

I'm thankful that my doctors are natural and holistic, but aren't afraid to give me prescriptions if needed. They always have a plan, and manage it very well. I'm even MORE thankful that they are always 2 steps ahead of me. My emotions are getting the best of me, and sometimes its just nice to be alone. Alone, quiet and content.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Chocolate Muffins :)

Let me just say... I LOVE MUFFINS!

Fluffy. Warm. Delicious.

Jealous? You should be. Want the recipe? Okay, okay...

-Chocolate Chip Muffins-

2C: Self Rising Flour
1/2C: White Sugar
3/4C: Milk
1/3C: Oil (I use olive oil)
1: Egg
3/4C: Chocolate Chips

3TBS: Brown sugar
2TBS: White sugar

 Heat oven to 400 degrees F. Grease bottoms only of 12 muffin cups or line with baking cups.

 In a medium bowl, combine flour, 1/2 cup sugar and chocolate chips; mix well. In a small bowl, combine milk, oil and egg; blend well. Add dry ingredients all at once; stir just until dry ingredients are moistened (batter will be lumpy.)

Fill cups 2/3 full. Sprinkle tops of muffins before baking with sugar topping.

Bake for 20 to 25 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool 1 minute before removing from pan. Serve warm & enjoy!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Monday Musings...

Totally typing this from my Droid... I have to admit, I was intrigued by the app and wanted to see how it would work for quick, on the go posts. Guess we'll see how this goes!
Monday... who needs'em! My laptop charger bit the dust, my lower back is killing me (thanks endometriosis!), and its time to get some sleep... where did the time go?!
Should have my craft area set up and organized by Wednesday... get excited! Lots to come!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Step One... complete!

I cannot tell you how awesome it feels to cross something off of one of my many lists. I'll be the first to admit that I am in loveeeee with lists!

I'll tell you a little secret... my lists have lists. Not so much of a "blow your brain" type secret... but it's true. Is my house spotless all the time? No. But is there a list outlining each room of what needs to be cleaned & organized? Yes. It's an addiction, I tell you!

So I finally created a Facebook page for Southern Delight... which of course is always developing. My next step? Etsy. But first, I have to actually get some product in line... hmm.... I have a ton of ideas in my head, and typically I just start working and the creativity takes over. But I shouldn't I try to plan it out first? This is where I'm getting a little concerned.

I always try to have everything planned out - whether they are vacations, cleaning days, shopping days, whatever - so I'm going to try and get it organized "properly" and see if I should do it any differently. I'm guessing this is what they call "learning"... progress, progress, I tell you!

I've been working on a super sweet project for my littlest neice... she is the cutest thing in the world! She is such a diva and loves hair bows, so it's no wonder she is always my guinea pig. I had a burst of creativity last night (the positives of being an insomniac) with embroidery and bead work. Pics to come soon, I hope!

Be a delight,

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Summer Love

I sure do love me some summer. :) 
Beautiful flowers...

Fabulous herbs... 

And my recycled summer wreath! Used flowers, ribbons & feathers leftover from our wedding. :)