This blog post might be a little personal, but isn't that what a blog is for? To help me get my thoughts out when no one would understand them anyways?
So, here I am, 7:15 on a Wednesday night. I'm missing my husband more than I ever have. The thought of not seeing him this weekend is killing my heart. I'm going through this awful time, and all I want is him, laying in bed next to me.
My doctor hinted at the possibility of surgery next month - which I am not prepared to go through. I'm already tired, hurting and emotionally distraught. I don't sleep. No, really, I don't sleep. I'm lucky to get 2-3 hours a night... many of them restless. I'm to the point of being SO tired and SO miserable that I just don't know what to do anymore.
I'm thankful that my doctors are natural and holistic, but aren't afraid to give me prescriptions if needed. They always have a plan, and manage it very well. I'm even MORE thankful that they are always 2 steps ahead of me. My emotions are getting the best of me, and sometimes its just nice to be alone. Alone, quiet and content.